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Practice questions

Note: Practice questions to help you prepare for the KCNA exam

1. What is the smallest unit in Kubernetes?
1. Docker 2. Deployment 3. Image 4. Pod
2. What does CNCF stand for?
1. Cloud Native Container Foundation 2. Cloud Native Computing Federation 3. Cloud Native Computing Foundation 4. Cloud Native Cloud Federation
3. What are the 4Cs of Cloud Native Security?
1. Cluster, Cloud, Containers, Compute 2. Compute, Cloud, Code, Containers 3. Code, Container, Cluster, Cloud 4. Code, Containers, Computer, Computing
4. What is the most common autoscaling method in the world of cloud-native?
1. Horizontal Scaling 2. Upward Scaling 3. Vertical Scaling 4. Downward Scaling
5. What does serverless computing not need?
1. Cloud 2. Servers 3. The provisioning and operating infrastructure 4. Code
6. Which of the following is not a fundamental metric used in Site Reliability Engineering?
1. Service Level Objective (SLO) 2. Service Level Indicator (SLI) 3. Service Level Definition (SLD) 4. Service Level Agreement (SLA)
7. The Kubernetes object "Stateful Set" requires which service for the network identity of Pods?
1. ClusterIP 2. NodePort 3. LoadBalancer 4. Headless Service
8. The Open Container Initiative (OCI) provides container standards for ?
1. Runtime, Image, Distribution 2. Image, Build, Distributions 3. Container, Image, Build 4. Container, image distribution
9. Which of the following Computing model doesn't require provisioning of infrastructure?
1. EC2 Instances 2. Infrastructure as Service 3. Serverless 4. Bare Metal Model
10. What are the main part of a Service Mesh?
1. Master plane and worker node 2. Kube-scheduler and controller manager 3. Data plane and Control plane 4. Discovery plane and date plane
11. Kubernetes was originally developed by who?
1. Amazon 2. Google 3. Microsoft 4. Facebook
12. What are the TWO types of Kubernetes nodes? Select TWO answers.
1. Worker Node 2. Internal Node 3. Control Plane Node 4. Data plane
13. What is the name of the agent that run on each Kubernetes worker node?
1. etcd 2. kube-API server 3. kube-proxy 4. kubelet
14. Which of the following is not part of the Control Plane in Kubernetes?
1. etcd 2. kube-API server 3. kube scheduler 4. kube-proxy
15. Which access control component of Kubernetes is responsible for authorisation and deciedes what a user is allowed to do?
1. Config Maps 2. Service Account 3. Admission Controller 4. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
16. Which of the following container runtime is marked as deprecated by Kubernetes?
1. gVisor 2. Docker 3. containerd 4. CRI-O
17. Which control plane component is responsible for scheduling pods?
1. kubelet 2. kube controller manager 3. kube scheduler 4. kube-proxy
18. Select TWO commands which can be used to LIST all pods in all namespaces.
1. kubectl get pods 2. kubectl get pods -n --all 3. kubectl get pods -A 4. kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
19. What is the command to list all the available objects in your Kuberenetes cluster ?
1. kubectl list api-resources 2. kubectl get apis 3. kubectl get api-resources 4. kubectl api-resources
20. Which of these is not a service type in Kubernetes?
1. ClusterIP 2. NodePort 3. Ingress 4. LoadBalancer
21. What language is used to specify and create a Kubernetes resource?
1. JavaScript 2. Python 3. YAML 4. JSON
22. Which of the following is not a required field to create a Kubernetes resource?
1. kind 2. apiVersion 3. container 4. metadata

Last update: 2023-12-04